Consecrate the New Year to Mary!

By beginning preparation for Marian consecration with Fr. Michael Gaitley's 33 Days to Morning Glory on Dec. 31, you can consecrate yourself to Jesus through Mary on Feb. 2, the Feast of the Presentation.

But how does Mary help us in our relationship with Jesus? Why should we turn to her in order to better love Him?

Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, recently gave some answers during a two-night mission to a parish that was about to begin Fr. Gaitley's 33 Days to Morning Glory.

Order your own copy of 33 Days to Morning Glory.

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December 11 is the anniversary of the founding of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. On this day in 1670, St. Stanislaus Papczyński left the Piarist order and made his oblatio, his self-offering, to defend the Immaculate Conception.

Stories about his selfless generosity of heart are the chief reasons St. Nicholas, feast day Dec. 6, is so affectionately revered.

Saint Cecilia's feast on Nov. 22 is a good day to reflect on what music is and does - particularly sacred music.