Marian Fathers Elect New Provincial Superior and Provincial Councilors

Pictured, from left: Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC; Fr. Mark Baron, MIC; Very Rev. Chris Alar, MIC; Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC; and Fr. Ken Dos Santos, MIC.

Here is the official announcement from the Provincial Chapter of the American and Argentine Province of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, issued yesterday, May 15, 2023:

Today, the members of the VII Provincial Chapter of the Province of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, after hearing the results of the Province-wide consultative vote, held the deliberative vote for Provincial Superior, followed by the election of the Provincial Councilors.

I am happy to announce the results of the election:

Provincial Superior — Very Rev. Chris Alar, MIC

First Councilor/Vicar Provincial — Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC

Second Councilor — Fr. Mark Baron, MIC

Third Councilor — Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC

Fourth Councilor — Fr. Kenneth Dos Santos, MIC

Congratulations to our newly-elected Provincial Superior and his Councilors. Please keep them in your prayers and please pray also for the remaining work of the Provincial Chapter.

God bless you,

Fr. Jim McCormack, MIC
Provincial Chapter Secretary

Thank you to all of the Marians who participated in the VII Provincial Chapter!

Seated: the Provincial Council: Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC; Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC; the Very Rev. Chris Alar, MIC, Provincial Superior; Fr. Mark Baron, MIC; Fr. Kenneth Dos Santos, MIC.

Middle row: Fr. Michael Callea, MIC; Deacon Timothy Childers, MIC; Fr. Andy Davy, MIC; Fr. Jim McCormack, MIC; Fr. Ireneusz Chodakowski, MIC; Br. Andrew Maczynski, MIC; Fr. Allen Alexander, MIC.

Back row: Fr. Eduardo Alvarez, MIC; Br. Christopher Orante, MIC; Fr. Dante Aguero, MIC; Fr. Matthew Lamoureux, MIC; Fr. Angelo Casimiro, MIC; Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC; Fr. Robert Vennetti, MIC.

Saint Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczyński, pray for us!


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