The National Shrine of the Divine Mercy
St. Faustina's Retreat Center (behind the Gift Shop)
2 Prospect Hill Rd.
Stockbridge, MA 01262
Peter Markavage
[email protected]
Healthcare professionals desiring to learn how to integrate their faith in their practice: Please save the date for three special days in the Berkshires!
Theme: "Current Challenges for Healthcare Professionals"
Date: June 4-5, 2025 with optional non-academic retreat day June 6, 2025.
Join us at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass. for The 20th Annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics and Spirituality Conference to explore the current challenges for Healthcare Professionals.
Over the post-pandemic years, healthcare professionals are facing numerous evolving challenges across medical ethical and spiritual domains. The 20th Annual Divine Mercy Conference explores a range of topics addressing current challenges for healthcare professionals through a variety of sessions presented by experts across disciplines.
Among the many topics are: spirituality and its role in the well-being of the healthcare professional; the healing effect on the patient;spiritual care of the patient; human dignity; emerging medical technologies; discernment for appropriate care decisions; strategies to build resilience; and therapeutic communication.
Presentations are designed to give the health professionals unique opportunities to enhance their faith and professional lives and enhance care outcomes.
Speaker's include:
Sponsored by Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy, an apostolate of the Marian Fathers.
More information forthcoming!