Br. Ken Galisa, MIC

Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Ken Galisa
"I spent Christmas in prison!"

"Sound crazy? Before entering the Marian community in 1979, I would have thought so, too! But, I realized that there would be plenty of time later for spiced cider and family visits. What mattered was that part of the Body of Christ was spending his first Christmas in our county's house of correction away from family and friends.

Ministry takes no holidays off. Honest and sincere ministry makes each day a "holy day" by encountering Christ anew in one's brother and sister — His Body the Church As a brother in the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, my 15 years in the community have given me the opportunity to minister to the Wounded Christ in a wide variety of people: the imprisoned, the handicapped, the shut-in, the chemically addicted, the AIDS patient.

And after ministering to others, I, in turn, allow myself to be ministered to and strengthened by friends and family, and by my Marian community, through community and personal prayer, Liturgy, and the sacraments.

With today's world so in need of God's mercy and compassion, the opportunities for ministry lie no further than the scripture passage, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink ...? (Mt 25:37)

God only knows where this Christmas might find you!"