
Saint John Bosco, Master of Youth

Serve the Lord joyfully, as St. John Bosco did, as we celebrate his feast day on Jan. 31. God's will for our lives is filled with meaning and adventure.

On his feast day, learn more about Blessed George Matulaitis

Blessed George Matulaitis (1871-1927) was the "Renovator" of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, who envisioned religious working together with the laity for the good of the Church. We celebrate his feast day on Jan. 27. Learn more about this extraordinary priest and bishop and watch a short video, and join in the prayers for his canonization.

Day 9: Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis

Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the ninth and final day. Blessed George's feast day is tomorrow, Jan. 27.

Launching into the Semester!

Brother Josh, MIC flings himself into full academic mode as the new semester begins, and a quiz in Epistemology – the theory of knowledge – looms.

Day 8: Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis

Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the eighth day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.

Day 7: Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis

Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the seventh day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.

The Great Communicator: St. Francis de Sales

Known as “the Master and Restorer of Sacred Eloquence,” St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (feast day: Jan. 24) was responsible for bringing tens of thousands back to the Catholic faith during the Protestant Reformation and enriching the Church by his numerous written works.

Day 6: Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis

Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the sixth day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.

Day 5: Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis

Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the fifth day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.

Day 4: Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis

Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the fourth day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.
