Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the third day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.
Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the second day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.
Join us in our Novena to Blessed George Matulaitis, the "Renovator" of the Marians, as we pray for his canonization. Today is the first day, leading to his feast day on Jan. 27.
As we anticipate the annual March for Life on Jan. 19, consider one woman's transition from pro-abortion activist to pro-life champion, demonstrating the influence of accurate, scientifically-based information, the contagious joy of the pro-life movement, and the power of prayer.
Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church, whose feast we celebrate on Jan. 13, was a fourth-century pagan-turned-Christian who courageously defended Christ’s divinity against the Arian heretics.
“Even if you only used psychology 50% of the time in pastoral ministry, that would be a good enough reason for me to major in it," Br. Josh, MIC, muses.
We celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord on Jan. 7. The word "epiphany" means manifestation and alternately, a sudden insight or revelation. What does it mean to us, as sons and daughters of Mary?
On Jan. 3, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. In fact, the entire month of January is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Name. Remember the Second Commandment and honor His Name!
Acclaimed “The Theologian,” St. Gregory of Nazianzus (feast day: Jan. 2) is remembered for defending Church teaching and leaving to the Church hundreds of his religious poems and letters.
“Full of the hope and joy of faith, St. Basil the Great shows us how to be true Christians," wrote Pope Benedict XVI. We celebrate this Doctor of the Church on his feast day, Jan. 2.