The Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception present: Journey Through Lent with Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC. In this series, Fr. Anthony will help us to dive deeper into the holy penitential season of Lent, preparing ourselves for Our Lord's Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Join Fr. Anthony, as he may help to answer some of the burning questions you may have regarding this season, helping you to make this Lenten season more fruitful and spiritually rewarding!
This week, Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC, explains how we can more clearly hear God speak to us in our hearts, but perhaps not in the way you think! By practicing being silent and still and flushing out everyday secular cares, we may be able to hear what God wants from us, rather than what the world wants from us.
... and what was her most extraordinary gift, anyway? On her feast day, Aug. 23, Father Dan Cambra, MIC, introduces us to St. Rose of Lima (1586-1617), a powerful intercessor in Heaven and first saint of the Americas.
Father Dan Cambra, MIC, digs deeply into the 14th century to tell the story of St. Rita of Cascia, the miracle worker whose feast day is May 22.
Father Dan Cambra, MIC, offers a reflection on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Holy Souls in Purgatory.