Answered Prayers!

Since its founding in 1995, the Marians' Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline has served more than 1.5 million people who have sought comfort and healing through prayer.

Headquartered at the Marian Helpers Center here in Stockbridge, Mass., home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, the Prayerline has received countless calls, e-mails, and letters from people telling us how their prayers had been answered, whether they were everyday needs or matters of life-and-death.

Today, we begin the first in an occasional series that shares recent correspondence from people who have turned to the Prayerline:

From Juanita: "Thanks so much for praying for my brother for healing from third-degree burns. After a week, he was back to walking. Wounds healed very fast." May God be praised.

Jane, age 41, expecting first child and having difficulty, was placed on the Prayerline. A woman called back to say "Jane gave birth to a healthy 7-pound girl and mom and baby are doing great." Praise God!

From Carol: "Harry had a hernia infection that has spread throughout his body and he was expected to die. He is now doing well. He believes he was healed through this Divine Mercy ministry."

From Dorothy in Massachusetts: "I wrote to you about three weeks ago requesting prayer for my sister-in-law. She was taken to the hospital with severe chest pains. They transferred her to another hospital where they found two blocked arteries in her heart. She didn't have to have open-heart surgery; the doctor gave her pills to take instead. When my sister got home, she also noticed her hip was better. She had been dragging her leg for several months. Also, she used to be in terrible pain when swallowing food. That also is better. When Jesus heals He certainly does miracles. Praise the Lord. God bless all of you. Thank you for your prayers."

Alex called from the hospital to say he had the heart surgery. Doctors told him he had been dead on the table but miraculously came out of it. He is now well on the way to a full recovery.

George called asking for prayers for a friend's grandson who had a tumor in the bone of his leg. The doctors thought they would have to amputate the leg. George called back to say that on a follow-up visit to oncology, "the doctors discovered the tumor had come out of the bone and was dissolving itself within the boy's body. Neither chemo, nor radiation treatment will be required. Praise God!"

Louise called asking for prayers for her husband who had lost his wallet on the bus. She called back to say the bus driver found the wallet and returned it to her husband on his return trip that evening. Thank you, Lord!

Harriet asked us to pray to our Lord for a difficult situation at work, where a very abusive individual was threatening her position, her reputation and her peace of mind. She called back several days later to say the person in question contacted her with a complete change of heart and an apology. Praise be to our most merciful God!

From Janet: "I recently asked St. Faustina to assist me in putting together a full day of conferences on The Divine Mercy. All miraculously worked out. We had very little time to get the word out and trusted that God would have attend those He wanted to attend."

Sue's daughter had eloped two years earlier. Her 1-year-old granddaughter had not been baptized. Sue called the Prayerline and after a Novena to The Divine Mercy, her daughter and husband were married in the Church with the baby being baptized the day after the wedding. Praise God!

Do you have a prayer request?

"Nothing is too small or too great with our Lord," says Cathy Chichester, the Prayerline's supervisor.

We invite you to turn to our Prayerline. The service is free. The ministry's staff is available daily from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST). Send us your prayer petitions or call us at 1-800-804-3823.


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