Your support is vital to the worldwide Marian ministries. We appreciate all that you do to help us.
Besides choosing from the ways listed below, you also help the Marians and our ministries with any purchase from ShopMercy (our online catalog or mail catalog), or enroll someone in the Association of Marian Helpers or a particular Novena. You can also deepen your faith and become a sustaining supporter by joining our special clubs, Friends of Mercy, Thirteenth of the Month, and the Holy Souls Sodality.
As a thank you for supporting us and helping lead souls to Heaven, we offer a free online tool for creating or updating your will. It walks you through the process and allows you to include a legacy gift to the Marians, if you so choose. Please visit our trusted site to plan for and protect the people and cause you love today.
May the Merciful Lord bless you and reward you for your generosity.
Listed below are several areas where we depend on your support.
You can also support each of these efforts by donating appreciated stock or donating from your IRA account. These tax-savvy ways to give are uniquely beneficial as they may help you reduce your taxes while supporting our work.
Support the Marians in their worldwide ministries wherever the need is greatest.
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