Answered Prayers!

Since its founding in 1995, the Marians' Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline has served more than 1.5 million people who have sought comfort and healing through prayer.

Headquartered at the Marian Helpers Center here in Stockbridge, Mass., home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, the Prayerline receives calls, e-mails, and letters from people all around the world telling us how their prayers had been answered, whether they were everyday needs or matters of life-and-death.

The following is one in an occasional series that shares recent correspondence from people who have turned to the Prayerline:

Prayers for Rosemary: A woman called to thank us for praying for her neighbor, Rosemary, a young mother who suffered a stroke and was paralyzed on one side of her body. Rosemary is out of the hospital after one week, and she walked to her neighbor's house to thank her for her prayers. Praise God!

Doreen called to thank us for praying for a young man named Ian. Ian underwent his third lung transplant operation; the first two were rejected. Praise God he is now doing very well.

Marge called. Her granddaughter Christy, missing for 10 days, has returned home. Praise God!

A few months ago, we had prayed for a young man, Jay, recently married, who was injured in an accident. Below is an e-mail from his parents, Nina and Ashok: "Our grateful thanks for all the prayers and intercessions for Jay's recovery. Yesterday he went for his four-week, post-surgical check-up and is doing well. He has started physiotherapy and has a lot of determination to get back to work as soon as possible. We ask for your continued prayers and support."

Kay asked us to pray for her niece Elizabeth who was to have a surgical
procedure for irregular heartbeats. She wrote to tell us the surgery was successful.

Delphine asked for prayers for her granddaughter, Anne Marie, suffering with a tumor. She wrote to tell us the tumor was removed and was benign.

Don called. One of the people he asked us to pray for got well and
left the hospital.

Joan had called to place Marie, four months in the hospital and dying,
on the Prayerline. Joan called back to say Marie was home from the
hospital and slowly recovering.

Ann called to ask prayers for her daughter, Kathy, who was to
undergo back surgery at the Mayo Clinic. Ann called back to say the
surgery was successful and that the doctors were very pleased.

Germaine had called in for prayers for a 4-month-old girl dying of brain cancer and who was in great pain. She called back to say they had a "miracle" - the cancer was gone, and the family requested prayers of thanksgiving.

A woman called on a Friday and asked for prayers for her friend
Debbie, who was undergoing brain surgery that day. She called back
early the following week to say the surgery was successful and Debby was
already home from the hospital

From Juanita: "Thanks so much for praying for my brother for healing
from third-degree burns. After a week, he was back to walking. Wounds
healed very fast. May God be praised."

From Ann: "I've been a frequent caller to the Prayerline over the years. I have recieved so much comfort, and support from this ministry and am deeply grateful. My answered prayers are too numerous to print! Thank you."

Do you have a prayer request?

"Nothing is too small or too great with our Lord," says Cathy Chichester, the Prayerline's supervisor.

We invite you to turn to our Prayerline. The service is free. The ministry's staff is available daily from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST). Send us your prayer petitions or call us at 1-800-804-3823.

Please help support the Prayerline.


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