Readings: Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42
"If I perform [the works of My Father], even if you do not believe Me, believe the works." Jn 10:38
To understand motherhood, you have to see a mother in action. Consider how the life of a new mother revolves around her newborn. She gets up at all hours of the night to nurse her new charge. Every couple of hours, she may have to change his diapers and clothing. Many an evening may find her walking the floor, trying to settle her baby down for the night. A mother literally lays down her life for her child and shows it by what she does.
Jesus shares the story of the Good Shepherd (Jn 10: 1-18) right before His hostile encounter with the Pharisees in today's Gospel. He lays down His life for His sheep, and now He is telling the Jews that He demonstrates that kind of love by what He does - His works. If they don't believe His claim about His unique relationship with God the Father, they should consider what they see Him doing. It's revealing here that what He has just done in Chapter 9 of John's Gospel is heal a man born blind, and what He will do in Chapter 11 is raise a man from the dead.
But there's a deeper meaning we should consider. Jesus tells us that the purpose of believing in His works is that we "may know and understand" that the Father is in Him and He is in the Father. Jesus is saying that His works reveal the perfect communion between Himself and the Father. And not only that, they result from this communion.
This has important implications for us as disciples of Jesus as we near the end of Lent. First, what kind of works have we been doing? Have we been laying down our lives through prayer, works of mercy, almsgiving, and acts of penance? Second, and most importantly, have our works come through our communion with Jesus who desires to work through us?
Lord, You and the Father are one. You performed all of Your works in communion with the Father. Help me to do everything through my communion with You. Amen.
Ps 82:6
Jn 14:10-11
Jn 17:8
240-41, 477
Diary of St. Faustina
659, 1695