The Lenten Challenge

Christopher Thatcher, 10, the son of Dr. Bryan Thatcher, Founder of Eucharistic Apostles of The Divine Mercy, wrote the following piece. "It was without prompting," his father says.

Lent is a time to forgive. Besides, Jesus didn't give up His life for nothing. He did it as He loved us and to show us that there is more to life than cars, clothes, houses, and money. There is more to life than so many things that I couldn't name them all.

Lent is also about sacrificing something that we like. I think that Jesus came to show us the love of God. We saw it in His prophets and saints. He was there right in front of us and we did so much to harm Him. Did He forgive us? Yes, and He did it with all His heart, too. He loves us just as much as He loved the saints.

Jesus has so much mercy. Jesus forgives us and He gave His life for us. And to think: I struggle to forgive if others shove or push me! Sometimes I hold a grudge over a joke someone told.

This is a bad time in history as people are using drugs and doing a lot of crime. But God still loves us all so much. He will love you even if you do bad, but you have to ask for forgiveness with all your heart. You have to repent and ask for mercy. Then you will restore your friendship with God. That is the true Lenten challenge!

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