Planned for worldwide release, the film includes actors playing key historical figures, such as St. Faustina, Blessed Michael Sopocko, and Fr. Joseph Jarzebowski, MIC, the Marian priest responsible for bringing the Divine Mercy message and devotion from war-torn Europe in 1941 to the United States.
Key contemporary figures, including Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, the vice-postulator in North America of St. Faustina's canonization cause, serve as advisors.
We interviewed the director and producer of Kondrat Media, Michael Kondrat, to learn about his project.
Why a film on Divine Mercy?
Divine Mercy is changing millions of lives, but most Christians are still unaware of the power of the message that Jesus gave to humanity through Sr. Faustina, a simple Polish nun who is now a saint.
Her confessor and spiritual director, Blessed Michael Sopocko, features prominently in this project as well, yes?
Yes, we have unearthed documents from him that have never been released before that will shed new light on the message.
For instance?
We were researching at the University of Vilnius [in Lithuania], where Blessed Sopocko taught. At one point, when we opened a book that belonged to him, a letter written by him dropped out. The director of this museum asked me, "Where did you find this?" I said, "It was in the book." He said, "It's not possible. We saw this book many times."
And what does the letter say?
I'd like to save that as a secret that will be revealed in the film. Let me say, we have discovered many documents that will allow the world to know about the influence of Divine Mercy on the fate of the world. As we read in St. Faustina's Diary, Jesus told her, "You will prepare the world for My final coming" (429). We will be bringing this into clearer light.
So you're filming in Poland, Lithuania, Mexico, Belarus, Colombia, and Italy. What brings you to the Shrine here in Stockbridge?
Father Jarzebowski and the Marians are critical figures in the story. His escape during World War II from Europe through Asia with Divine Mercy materials is very dramatic. It's fantastic. And from here in Stockbridge, the message was sent throughout the world. So this is a very important place, but many people still don't know about it.
Your planned release date is April 28, Divine Mercy Sunday. What is your ultimate goal with the film?
Ultimately, to prepare the people for the end times by pointing them to Jesus' promises given to the world through St. Faustina. We live in a time of great mercy, but the day of justice will come. This is a special movie about what we have to do for the glory of God. I can say with certainty we have the chance to move the most hardened hearts.
EDITOR'S NOTE: We will be posting updates here on TheDivineMercy.org periodically, including information on how you can view "Love & Mercy."