Protected in Prayer

To the Marians of the Immaculate Conception,

Helen and Chris Wisinski enrolled my son, Harrison Fox Riddle, in the Association of Marian Helpers upon his birth, in June 1999.

He became very ill soon after his birth and was later diagnosed with hereditary spherocytosis, a chronic and permanent anemia. Harrison was also born with hearing loss. Both of these things contributed to developmental delays. In June of 2007, he had his spleen removed, and in December 2007, he was blessed with the Christmas present of hearing aids.

Both of these changes in Harrison's life have had dramatic results, and he is now an independent, energetic, feisty boy who played baseball for the first time this summer. Through all of Harrison's struggles, the Lord has always protected him, and I know that part of the reason for that has been because of the prayers of the Marian Helpers.

I would like for you to know how grateful I will always be for your intercessory prayers, and I would like to know how I might continue his enrollment for another 10 years. I see from your website that our experience is not uncommon.

Bless you all for how much you have helped and comforted all of us.

Jennifer Myers
Decatur, Ill.

Learn how you, too, can enroll a loved one in the Association of Marian Helpers.

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