
‘The Word of God abides’: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church

He is author of the earliest recorded systematic teachings of the Catholic faith. He suffered persecution and banishment for adherence to the truths of the faith. Ultimately, he was declared a Doctor of the Church for his exemplary writings explaining the tenets of the faith. He is St. Cyril of Jerusalem (315-386 A.D.). whose feast we celebrate on March 18.

Who was St. Scholastica?

Who was St. Scholastica? Marian Postulant Austin teaches us about the life of this holy and devout saint, whose feast day is Feb. 10. Saint Scholastica is known as the twin sister of St. Benedict of Nursia, who you may know from the St. Benedict Medal. St. Scholastica, pray for us!

North American Sanctity: St. José Sánchez del Rio

Martyred for his refusal to deny Christ, 14-year-old St. José Sánchez del Rio (feast day: Feb. 10) was a member of the Cristeros, a group of landowners, ranchers, and sharecroppers who revolted against the anti-Catholic government of Mexico in the 1920s. The first article in a new series on saints and future saints from Canada, the United States, and Mexico.


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