Originally from Maryland, he entered the community in 2003, after his time as a university student at The Catholic University of America. Ordained to the priesthood in 2009, he served at St. Mary's Parish in Plano, Illinois, where he iswas pastor. He focused much of his time on helping children, youth, and young adults discover the love and mercy of God, and mentors them to become missionary disciples.
He is a huge fan of the great works of literature, most notably the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and gives retreats on them to young adult communities from time to time.
He is a singer, drummer, horseback rider, Muppet aficionado, and loves just about everything (except butter pecan ice cream).
Currently, he is working on his STL in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan.
Favorite quote:
"Above all shadows rides the Sun" — JRR Tolkien.