Today on Saints in Focus, Br. Stephen, MIC, teaches us about the life of St. Martin of Tours. St. Martin is most famous for an act of mercy; once meeting a beggar on the road, St. Martin split his military cloak in half and gave half to the beggar. His feast day is celebrated on November 11. St. Martin of Tours, pray for us!
... and what was her most extraordinary gift, anyway? On her feast day, Aug. 23, Father Dan Cambra, MIC, introduces us to St. Rose of Lima (1586-1617), a powerful intercessor in Heaven and first saint of the Americas.
Father Dan Cambra, MIC, digs deeply into the 14th century to tell the story of St. Rita of Cascia, the miracle worker whose feast day is May 22.
Father Dan Cambra, MIC, offers a reflection on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Holy Souls in Purgatory.