Welcome to the Thirteenth of the Month Club Website
Dear Friend in Christ,
As spiritual director of the Thirteenth of the Month Club, I welcome everyone who is a member or anyone who desires to join the club. Our club members are always seeking ways to grow in their love of Our Lady, and this is very pleasing to Jesus because nobody will ever love Mary more than Jesus. So if we, by being members of this club, can grow just a
little bit closer to Our Lady, I think that will be very pleasing to the Heart of our Lord.
Our love for Mary expresses that we are grateful she is in our lives. By being a member of this club, we are reminded of Our Lady's love for us every 13th of the month. The newsletter gives us ways to actively participate in the club and reminds us to pray the Rosary for one another. Supporting one another through Our Lady means a lot to Jesus, but it also does a lot for us Marians because you are a collaborator with us in our call to serve Mary Immaculate, our patroness.
Together, we want people to come to love Jesus through Mary. I'm grateful that you want to be part of this club, and I personally will be praying for you, invoking the guidance and protection of Mary Immaculate.
In the Love of Mary Immaculate,