Alleluia, Alleluia!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. - Ps 118:1

It is the long-awaited celebration of Christ's Resurrection. Death could not hold Him. He went from the tomb in victory. Alleluia!

We feel the joy all the more because in Lent, we have meditated on and shared in the sufferings of Jesus. His Resurrection confirms the truth of His divinity and His promises, including that He is the Source of our own future resurrection.

Today, our hearts are filled with love and thanksgiving as we meet the Risen Lord in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Take a moment to reflect on St. Faustina's experience of this day:

Easter [April 17, 1938]. During Mass, I thanked the Lord Jesus for having deigned to redeem us and for having given us that greatest of all gifts; namely, His love in Holy Communion; that is, His very own Self (Diary, 1670).

Prayer: Merciful Lord, You are truly my Savior, the Resurrection and the Life! Alleluia! Help me to long for holiness and cooperate with Your grace.

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