
"Divine Mirth"

Father Andy Davy, MIC, shares his latest poem, inspired during a zany Nerf gun game being fought around a young man with special needs, whose joy was so magnetic that the game took on a contemplative experience.

Heart's Longing

Father Andy Davy, MIC, pastor of St. Mary Parish in Plano, Illinois, also writes poetry. Here, we share some of his work and his commentaries on that work in the latest installment of a series.


The Ache

In every ache of the human heart

We wait for the One

Who promised from the start

To light our path,


But lost to the numb

That comes from pain,

We can’t see clearly—

There’s too much rain!


Yet wait in the ache we must.

For courageous is he


In this timely poem, perfect for this Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Fr. Andy Davy, MIC, reflects on Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn.

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