Br. Andrew Maczynski, MIC
General Promoter of the Association of Marian Helpers
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
"It was a perfect fit"Even from my childhood days in Poland, I can see how God was preparing me to serve as a Marian brother here in the United States.
I grew up at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Warsaw, Poland. It was a Marian parish, and I have fond memories of the priests and brothers there. In fact, from my first grade school days, the Marians were my catechists.
I particularly admired the Marians for their fidelity to the Church and their devotion to Mary. As I grew older, I began to read books about the life of the Congregation's founder, Saint Stanislaus Papczynski. At times, I would even turn to this Holy Man for special needs in prayer.
The more I learned about St. Stanislaus and the inspiring work of the Marians from their foundation, the more I was able to identify with their mission. Soon, I found myself falling in love with this community of consecrated religious.
I admire Father Founder's zeal for the Church, the way he exercised mercy for the holy souls in purgatory, and, above all, his love for Mary.
When I finished a period of my public schooling, it was very natural for me to join the Marians. And, in discerning my vocation, I felt called to a consecrated life of service as a religious brother.
As a child growing up in Poland, I was also drawn to the message of Divine Mercy, and the life of Saint Faustina. So, when I was asked to come to America to help spread the message of mercy, it was a perfect fit.
God has drawn me to Himself in a wonderful way, as I have said "yes" to Him as Mary did. He continues to bless me in my duties as General Promoter of the Association of Marian Helpers. This work enables me to tell others about the Merciful Savior and His Blessed Mother. What more could I ask for?