Prayer to Our Blessed Mother Mary has been part of the practices of the Church since its earliest days. For example, found on a 3rd Century papyrus in Egypt, the Sub Tuum prayer calls on Our Lady for her protection and intercession for the petitioner's needs.
On earth, we ask those still among us to pray for us and our intentions. They become our intercessors. We also can ask for the prayers of our family who have already entered into eternal life. Because they are united more closely with God, their prayers are more efficacious.
It's little wonder that we offer our prayers through the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom the Angel Gabriel greeted as "full of grace" (Lk 1:28). When we offer our prayers through Mary, she can add her superabundant grace to them to make them more efficacious and acceptable to God.
In this section, you will find some of the most widely known traditional prayers of the Church. We trust Our Blessed and Immaculate Mother to intercede for us as she guides us to her Son.