
May, Month of Mothers and the Mother of Mercy

It’s so fitting that May is the month of Mother’s Day, celebrated this year on May 12. Every good mother is a good mother insofar as she is a shadow, an imitation of Our Lady, Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, and Mother of All the Living.

"In the World but Not of the World: A Guide for Pastoral Ministry"

Is it feasible to be pastoral in one’s outreach to others, bereft of Gospel Truth, Judeo-Christian moral code, and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church? Can one exercise care for souls, devoid of the Revealed Word of God and the Transformative Grace of the Sacraments? Father Kenneth Dos Santos, MIC, explains in his column for

Sliver of Light

"When the liturgy parallels what is happening in my life, I pay attention," Br. Josh, MIC, says, "and the Lord provided a sign in the sky that day."

The Suffering Servant: St. Damien de Veuster of Molokai

He “gave his life for the ransom of many” (Mk 10:45). This verse describes our Lord Jesus Christ, of course, but could also well be said of St. Damien de Veuster of Molokai (feast day: May 10), a priest who served on the leper colony of Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands during the 19th century.

Happy Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord!

Jesus ascended up to Heaven, and took us with Him. Celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on May 9 or May 12, depending on your diocese.

Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, Pray for Us!

Need a miracle? Turn to the patron of those in mortal danger: Saint Stanislaus Papczyński! And pay the Novena, May 9 until his feast day, May 18.

North American Sanctity: Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine

Hailed by many, including Pope St. John Paul II, as one of the “founders” of the Catholic Church in Canada, Bl. Catherine of St. Augustine (feast day: May 8) made a promise “to live and die in Canada if God would open its door.”

Who was St. Dominic Savio?

Saint Dominic Savio (feast day: May 6, formerly March 9) is the youngest non-martyr to be canonized in the Catholic Church. What made him so saintly? Father Dan Cambra, MIC, explains.

North American Sanctity: Blessed Mother Marie-Léonie Paradis

“She was always ready with a hearty, open laugh, welcoming each person as if they were God Himself.” This was Bl. Mother Marie-Léonie Paradis (feast day: May 4), founder of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family.

Be Merciful Like a Skywalker

"May the Fourth be with you!" Let Star Wars remind you once again to hope, to do something, anything, no matter how small in the cause of the good, the right, the just, and the merciful.
