
“The Son Receives from His Father”

On this Solemnity of St. Joseph, Br. Stephen J., MIC, offers an original poem about the foster father of Jesus and his Son.

‘The Word of God abides’: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church

He is author of the earliest recorded systematic teachings of the Catholic faith. He suffered persecution and banishment for adherence to the truths of the faith. Ultimately, he was declared a Doctor of the Church for his exemplary writings explaining the tenets of the faith. He is St. Cyril of Jerusalem (315-386 A.D.). whose feast we celebrate on March 18.

Saint Patrick, Bearing Light in the Darkness

Saint Patrick (feast day: March 17) brought Jesus to pagan Ireland and transformed it into the land of saints and scholars. Let's follow his example and bring Jesus, the Divine Mercy, to an increasingly pagan world.

Models of Mercy: St. John de Brébeuf and St. Isaac Jogues

As Tertullian, an early Christian writer wrote, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." The witness and martyrdom of St. John de Brébeuf (feast day: March 16), St. Isaac Jogues, and their companions was not fruitless.

American Titan … of Mercy: Mother Cabrini

The story of Mother Cabrini, subject of a wonderful new movie, is one instance of the story of women in the Church across her whole history, serving in imitation of Our Lady, the Handmaid of the Lord and the New Eve, hearing the Word of the Lord, answering God’s call, and doing extraordinary works by prayer and service to all in need.

North American Sanctity: Blessed Elías del Socorro Nieves

“Every priest who preaches the Word of God in times of persecution,” Blessed Elías del Socorro Nieves said, “has no escape; he will die like Jesus on the Cross, with arms tied.” His feast day is March 10.

'Labor without stopping': St. John of God

Saint John of God, whose feast we celebrate on March 8, spent his life caring for the sick, poor, and unwanted. His motto was: "Labor without stopping. Do all the good works you can while you still have the time."

Jesus was a fan of St. Thomas Aquinas

March 7, 2024, is the 750th anniversary of the death of St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest minds and mystics in Catholic history. Our Lord Himself was a fan of his writing!

Two Young Mothers, Lowly and Lifted Up

In this age of the persecution of Christians, Perpetua and Felicity seem more relevant than ever. The two women, whom we commemorate on March 7, were martyred for their Christian faith by the Roman Empire and have been venerated as saints ever since.

This Lent, crack open an inspiring book from Marian Press

Read any good books lately? Marian Press has the answer. It's not too late to enhance your spiritual reading and deepen your experience of the love of God as we all journey to Easter, March 31, and Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7.

North American Sanctity: Blessed Maria Concepción Cabrera Arias de Armida

“It is of vital urgency to have a clear awareness of what the Cross of Christ means, of what it accomplishes in the mystery of the person," wrote Blessed Maria Concepción Cabrera Arias de Armida (feast day March 3), the first Mexican laywoman, wife, and mother to be beatified in the Catholic Church. 
