
Who's in Heaven on All Saints Day?

On Nov. 1, a Holy Day of Obligation, let's ask all the holy men and women of Heaven to help us join them in eternal communion with the living God. Let us turn to them with trust for all our needs and intentions, as well as those of the Church and the world.

Honor Thanksgiving in your heart

Being thankful in life — giving thanks more than once a year at Thanksgiving, but rather living each moment in the disposition of being thankful — is not just a psychologically healthier state of mind, Fr. Timothy Childers, MIC, asserts. Rather, it is a decision to view the world as one in which God the Father is actively and lovingly involved in every little detail.

An Atheist Argument Josh takes a class in ethical relativism, the view that all “good and beautiful” is in the eye of the beholder. “Can anyone seriously say that Mother Teresa had no moral superiority to Hitler?” the professor asked. 

A New Podcast!

Join Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC, for his new podcast, “Venerable Casimir and Our Lady.” A Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Casimir Wyszyński (1700-1755) was the eighth superior general of the Marian Fathers and translator of "Morning Star," a practical guide to the 10 Evangelical Virtues of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.

Our Mutual Friend, St. Thérèse

On Oct. 15, Pope Francis issued an “apostolic exhortation” on St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Brother Ryan, MIC, explains that it contains a summary of Thérèse’s main teachings, as well as some general thoughts on how these teachings remain pertinent for us today.

David and Goliath

“Planned Parenthood has just committed $35 million to getting this amendment to change Ohio’s constitution to permit unregulated abortion passed," Kimberley Hahn told Br. Josh and attendees at the event. "This is a David-versus-Goliath battle, and we happen to be David. We want to let the stones fly!”

The Magnificent Eight: the North American Martyrs

Eight missionaries, sent to proclaim the Gospel to the Huron people in North America, suffered terrible martyrdom at the hands of the Iroquois. We celebrate them on Oct. 19. Here, in brief, is the story of St. John de Brebeuf, St. Isaac Jogues, and their companions.

Saint Luke, the Beloved Physician

Want to know and love the Blessed Virgin Mary? Turn to St. Luke the Evangelist, whose feast day we celebrate on Oct. 18. His Gospel recorded some of the most important Marian moments in Scripture.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Without a doubt, our Savior commissioned St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (feast day: Oct. 16) to spread devotion to His Heart, all aflame with love, as the healing remedy for a world full of cold hearts and broken hearts.

Mystic, author, poet: St. Teresa of Ávila

Pope Benedict XVI called St. Teresa of Ávila (feast day: Oct. 15) “one of the peaks of Christian spirituality.” Noted for her writings, holiness,  reforms to the Carmelite Order, and mystical visions, St. Teresa belongs to that elite group of only four female Doctors of the Church.

The Book of Nature

The Marian Fathers are blessed with an abundance of vocations. But what is life like for a Marian seminarian? Brother Josh, MIC, a second-year seminarian at the Marian House of Studies in Steubenville, Ohio, presents the fourth column in a new weekly series on his formation journey, which began last year as "Novice Notes." 
