
Defender of Icons: St. John Damascene

Saint Theophanes called his friend, St. John Damascene (feast day: Dec. 4), “Chrysorrhoas” (golden stream) due to his oratorical gifts.

Sheer Madness

Brother Josh, MIC, sat down quietly on his bed and prayed, “If you want, Beloved, I would run an ultramarathon for you.” Then, he forgot about his off-the-cuff prayer.

'Inspectio Cordis': First Sunday of Advent

A new weekly web series by Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, introduces us to the meditations for Sundays by the Marian Founder. The goal is to allow Jesus to gaze into your heart and teach you self-examination, leading you to a more fruitful reception of Holy Communion at Sunday Mass, where there is a true encounter of our hearts with His Sacred Heart.

Sheer Madness"In a fit of madness, I started running," Br. Josh, MIC, recalls. But when his brother seminarians suggest training for a marathon, thoughts of horrible suffering and misery blazed through his mind...

Saint Andrew led the way to Christ

Did you know “The Rock” had a brother? And that he owes him a huge debt of gratitude? We celebrate his feast on Nov. 30.

All are welcome at Mass!

It's Thanksgiving. We Catholics don’t say nearly often enough that everyone’s welcome at Mass, says Chris Sparks. It's time to ask ourselves: Who do we know who, if we asked them right now, would gladly attend Mass with us? Who do we know who probably doesn’t attend Mass because they’ve been made to feel unwelcome? 

The Feeble and the Fantastical Imaginations

Brother Josh, MIC, ponders the various arguments for and against the existence of God, and the study of metaphysics suddenly becomes entertaining.

Welcome to "Inspectio Cordis," a new weekly web series

A new weekly web series on Fridays by Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, introduces us to the meditations for Sundays by the Marian Founder. The goal is to allow Jesus to gaze into your heart and teach you self-examination, leading you to a more fruitful reception of Holy Communion at Sunday Mass, where there is a true encounter of our hearts with His Sacred Heart.

The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On Nov. 21, the Feast of Mary’s Presentation in the Temple, let us remember to call upon the Blessed Virgin in all our needs, strive to imitate her evangelical virtues, and follow her example of complete trust and surrender to God.

The First "Why?"

"Ask 'why' long enough and you would come to the original 'why' for the first thing’s existence," Br. Josh, MIC, discovers. "This is Professor Plato’s 'ultimate goal.'"

Meet the Marians: Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC

Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC

Formator of Marian Seminarians, Steubenville, Ohio

Father Thaddaeus Lancton was born as the youngest son to a Catholic family of five on February 22, 1987, in Houston, TX.
