
The First "Why?"

"Ask 'why' long enough and you would come to the original 'why' for the first thing’s existence," Br. Josh, MIC, discovers. "This is Professor Plato’s 'ultimate goal.'"

Scotland's medieval supermom: St. Margaret

St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland (feast day: Nov. 16) was a beloved figure, wise, virtuous, benevolent, and pious; a mother of eight, including a future king and saint; a ruler who cared for the poor and launched an ecclesiastical reform that led to wider practice of the Catholic faith.

Mercy and Mary work together

The title of our province is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, whose feast day is Nov. 16. That title for Mary is also known by the alternative names: Our Lady of Vilnius, Ostra Brama (Polish) or Ausris Vrtai (Lithuanian). The full title is “Our Lady of Mercy of the Dawn Gate.”

Meet the Marians: Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC

Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC

Formator of Marian Seminarians, Steubenville, Ohio

Father Thaddaeus Lancton was born as the youngest son to a Catholic family of five on February 22, 1987, in Houston, TX.

Albert, Bishop and Doctor, a truly 'Great' saint

From St. Albert the Great (feast day: Nov. 15), we learn the importance of being relentless in our pursuit of the truth and our holy obligation to share that truth with others.

Soldier for Christ: St. Martin of Tours

May we be men and women of great prayer and service, as St. Martin of Tours was, whose feast we celebrate Nov. 11 - coincidentally, Veterans Day.

Attila the Hun was no match for this Pope

Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church (feast day: Nov. 10), boldly faced down Attila the Hun and his troops as they prepared to sack Rome in 452 A.D.

Logic, unlocked

 "If I enjoy the sight of a beautiful landscape, that gives me happiness," Br. Josh, MIC, learns. "If my mind arrives at a truth, this gives happiness.”

Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, Nov. 4

Saint Charles reformed the Church of his time, but he began by reforming himself. Are you willing to do the same, to make every act of yours an act of love?

The Wisdom of Play

Learning should be fun, says Br. Josh, MIC. So he embarked on a passionate defense of plant life in his Metaphysics class...

The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything

“I desire that my whole life be but one act of thanksgiving to You, O God," St. Faustina wrote. The beginning, middle, and end of the month of November are all about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Chris Sparks counts the ways.

Pray for the Holy Souls, and our Veterans

We owe our veterans a debt of gratitude that only God’s grace can repay, says Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC. As we celebrate All Souls Day, Nov. 2, let us thank God for the freedom and safety won for us by the heroic sacrifices of so many military service members, law enforcement, and first responders.
