
Jesus ascended up to Heaven, and took us with Him

Here in Massachusetts, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday, May 18, although most dioceses in the United States transfer the observance to Sunday, May 21.

Empty Tomb = Heaven in a Tabernacle

In the first of a new series, Chris Sparks reflects on his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land where, he discovers, "The reason why anyone visits the Holy Sepulcher at all is that it’s empty."

In the Mule-Steps of St. Damien of Moloka’i

On his feast day, May 10, recalling the Belgian priest's extraordinary 16-year ministry to the victims of Hansen’s disease (leprosy) in the untamed wilderness of a remote Hawaiian island.

A Conversion: Part 2

“The unity of the Church was the most pressing intellectual question that ultimately led me to become Catholic." Novice Mac told Novice Josh.

God save the King?

We fought a war to be free of the British monarchy. And yet, as Charles III is crowned king of the United Kingdom, it may well be our duty as Catholics to offer a prayer for the man and his reign.

Fatima offers hope for saving our families

The message of Fatima is a call for peace that resonates beyond Our Lady’s 1917 appearances to our own time, when we face new, heightened threats to the peaceful existence of the family.

Singing of Mary, giving glory to God

Anna believes that music has a special power. “There’s nothing like it. It speaks to people’s hearts. Mother Mary made me realize it’s not about me. It’s about giving glory to God.”

By Marian Friedrichs

A Conversion: Part 1

Novice Josh recalls, "We were gathered in the upstairs novice classroom with Fr. Jim when he told us the big news. 'Mac is entering the Catholic Church on Monday.'"
